Ensemble exam 17/12/2014
You will be required to attend a workshop in the morning, record your exam p.3+4, perform around the school p.5 then attend a seminar p.7+8. Busy day!!!
Steal away:
Vocal parts for GCSE Esnemble Exam:
Steal a-way, steal a-way, steal a-way to Je-sus,
Steal a-way, steal a-wa-y home.....
I ain't got long to stay here.
Verse 1
(solo) My Lord, He calls me, He calls me by the thunder...
(choir does Ooo while solo sings)
(Choir)The trum-pet sounds with-in-a-my soul...
I ain't got long to stay here.
Verse 2
(solo)Green trees a-ben-ding, poor sin-ner stands a-trem-bling...
(choir does Ooo while solo sings)
(choir) The trum-pet sounds with-in-a my soul...
I ain't got long to stay here.
Solo Part (the start of each verse)
Ms Patterson's lesson plans until the end of term
11th November- Chopin test
18th November- Bernstein and Schoenberg review
25th November- Bernstein and Schoenberg listening questions (test)
2nd December- Reich and AoS3
9th December- AOS4
16th December- Exam Paper
18th November- Bernstein and Schoenberg review
25th November- Bernstein and Schoenberg listening questions (test)
2nd December- Reich and AoS3
9th December- AOS4
16th December- Exam Paper
YOUR 2nd last SOLO PERFORMANCE IS ON 22/10/2014: In preparation for this please complete the information sheet below.
Miss van Jaarsveld's homework:
1. You are practicing your solo performance!! EVERY DAY!!
2. You are working on completing your Ternary piece (AABA) composition.
DEADLINE 22/10/2014